Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Sneetches!

The Sneetches is a simple story that has a very strong message about excluding others.  Breaking away from my usual practice, I am reading this book with all of my classes (even 5th grade) during this month's counselor rotation.  After reading, we discuss how unfair it would be if I only played with kids who look like me or only made friends with people who have the same hair or skin color.  We also discuss how they feel when they're left out of a group because their clothes are different or they wear glasses (Yes...These things unfortunately happen!). I have wonderful discussions with the classes, even the younger kids.   

After reading, I gave each student a large star on construction and asked them to identify ways that each of them is special.  Some of the first graders liked them so much that they've taped them to the backs of their chairs.  See pictures below!

Have a great week!