Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Keep Your Friends!

For the primary grades, our focus has shifted to personal and social skills and interactions with friends.  Younger children can have so much difficulty getting along with their peers.  To help them better understand the skills necessary to make and keep friends, I read a wonderful book by Nancy Carlson, How to Lose All Your Friends.

This book's author uses humor to let kids know the way that they should be treating others.  Bullies, tattletales, and grouches are going to have a hard time making and keeping friends in the future.

After reading the book, the kids were asked to complete graphic organizers, identifying ways to make and keep a friend.

This student said being kind, loving, and nice are ways to maintain friendships.  She also said that kids shouldn't bully, call names, or say, "I hate you."

This student suggested being nice, kind, and honest.  She also states that kids shouldn't be grouchy or mean.  They also shouldn't whine or keep all of the cookies to themselves.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Careers, Careers, Careers!

Our counselor activities have continued to focus on careers through the month of February. During my last lesson, I read How Santa Got His Job by Stephen Krensky with first and second grade classes.

This book tells the story of how Santa (Yes, that's his real first name!) became the jolly man that we know today.  He had to try many different jobs before he found the one that was perfect for him.  He was a chimney sweep, mailman, waiter, zoo keeper, and circus worker before he was hired by the elves to deliver the toys that they make.  This wonderful story illustrates how, as adults, we often have to try many, many different jobs until we find the perfect fit (if we're lucky!).

Next, students were asked to identify what job they would like to have when they're adults.  I borrowed  an activity from a fellow counselor (Thank you, KR!) and asked the children to complete the statement and illustrate what they want to do when they're adults.

This student wants to be a truck driver.

This student wants to be a doctor.

I also encouraged the students to talk to their parents about the different jobs that they've had in their lives.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Muller

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Identify one thing that you wonder (want to know) about the career path that you and your partner discussed today.  How can you find out more information?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Safe Touch

During our most recent Counselor lessons, we have been discussing 'Good Touch/Bad Touch.'  These lessons are brief, but they give kids a very important message:  They get one body; their bodies are very special; and they need to report touches that are hurtful, confusing, and uncomfortable.  

I taught them a simple way to remember what to do:

Say NO!
Then GO!
And Tell!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  I'm always available.  Have a great week!