Monday, March 30, 2015

Field Trip to Nelson-Atkins Musem

I had SO MUCH FUN during the field trip with fifth grade to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

Thank you to our hosts for our tours, individual classes, and opportunities to learn more about art.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We all Make Mistakes! And it's OK!

As the school year continues and the students continue getting to know each other, it's important to remember that NOBODY IS PERFECT!  We all make mistakes, we all goof up, and IT'S OK!

I began my last lesson by showing the students a video from Kid President (The kids LOVE Kid President!).  He talks about wanting to be an inventor and failing during his attempts.  One of his best lines is:  "It's ok to make mistakes, but it's not ok to stop trying."

I then give them the following paper and ask them to 'fix my mistake.'

As you can see, the kids were very clever with their creations.

Have a great week!  And remember...Nobody is perfect and we have NO right to point out flaws and mistakes when we see them in others.

Your friend,
Mrs. Muller