Monday, May 16, 2011

What a Great Year!!!

Think about your favorite things from this school year.  What are some special memories that you have?


  1. I have really enjoyed my first year at Gracemor. It's so much bigger than my previous school (Lakewood) and I have had fun getting to know the students and staff.

    Some of my special memories are: United Way spirit days, the Major Saver limo ride, seeing different students at my son's football and baseball games, working with Student Council, helping Ms. Krieg and Ms. Harrison, and visiting classrooms for counselor lessons.

  2. my favorite memory from 3rd grade is when we did feild day

  3. A couple friends that i will never ever ever forget they're names are Autumn Faith and last but not least Mrs. Norris these guys helped me through the rough spots when i was mad Autumn helps me. When I'm sad Faith helps me. When I need help Mrs. Norris is always there for me.

  4. my favorite memory from 4th grade is when we had the miny field day.

  5. i will never forget all the things i did to my friends to make them happy.

  6. I will never forget the time when Faith and I went to my house and we played Bratz and Littlest pet shop.

  7. this year was realy fun having a 4th/3rd split in mrs norris class

  8. Going swimming. Playing with Grandpa. Seeing Mom. Playing with Maggie. Listening to James jamming to music.
