Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Safe Touch

During the next two weeks, I will be discussing a very serious topic with our students:  Good Touch/Bad Touch.  Without being too specific, I teach the students that our private parts are any areas that are covered by a swim suit.  

Our school district purchased 'Healthy Touch, Good Boundaries, Safe Kids,' for every school.  This video discusses the concept of private areas, as well as solutions in case students are ever touched inappropriately.

The basic 'gist' of the lesson is that students should:

I encourage students to identify an adult who they trust that they can share sensitive information with.      After our discussion, I share certain pages of the VIP Coloring Book to further our discussion.

While this may be a sensitive subject to discuss, we all have a duty to make sure that our students are safe.  My students know that I take their safety VERY seriously and I strive to be a trusted adult in their lives, hopefully someone with whom they feel comfortable sharing good (and bad) news with.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Muller

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