Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!

Happy August!  We have completed our second full week of school and we are off to a great start!  We have a few changes for this year.  I am working with third, fourth, and fifth grade this year and Mrs. Bagby will work with Kindergarten, first, and second grade.

My fourth grade counselor lessons have really been fun.  We are focusing on getting to know you activities and how we can be 'AWESOME' this year.

As you probably know, Kid President's videos are powerful, fun, and meaningful.  I began my lesson by showing Kid President's Pep Talk.

He begins by telling us that we all need a pep talk and proceeds to tell us how to be 'AWESOME!'  After this short video, we did an activity that I adapted from Stephen Wolfe on Teachers Pay Teachers.  You can access it here.  

While the students were working on answering these questions, I asked them to complete my parking lot. 

I love their answers!  Of course, some of their suggestions, like 'Have longer lunch,' 'Give us money,' and 'Serve us cake,' were silly.  Most of their responses, however, were serious.  Students asked us to listen to them, help them with math, help them with their problems, teach more reading and writing, and add an extra library so that they can have more books.  I hung these signs in the staff lounge so that our staff members can see the wonderful ideas that our students have.  I also feel that most of their answers affirm what we already know...Kids needs us and they love learning.  Have a great week!

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