Wednesday, August 29, 2012

And We're Off!

What a great start to a great school year!  I have had the opportunity to visit almost all of the classrooms during the last two weeks and I have enjoyed getting to know everyone!  I will meet the rest of the classes next week after the Labor Day break.  

During our counselor lesson, I gave each student a self-referral form.  Students are asked to complete these and put them in my bowl when they'd like to visit me.  I always look forward to talking to students.  I've also given each student a folder that they will use to keep track of all of their 'counselor work' during the school year.  I encourage then to share this information with parents.  

Finally, I shared my 'Random Acts of Kindness' jar.  If students are observed being unfriendly to an adult or classmate, I will ask them to randomly select something kind to do.  Students seemed skeptical about this idea, but I assured them that it will help them act more respectfully towards others.  More details to follow.....

I hope everyone has a great end to the first FULL week of school.  Remember...Gracemor Crusaders are RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, AND READY TO LEARN!

Your Friend, 
Mrs. Muller

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