Friday, September 7, 2012

Another great week!

I have continued meeting with all of the classes.  Remember...we're doing things a bit differently this year.  Instead of holding classes every other week, Ms. Brown and I are meeting with each class for three weeks in a row.  At the end of the three weeks, the students will have their library lessons for three consecutive weeks.

We began discussing bullying and some of the behaviors that students see others exhibit.  I firmly believe that we need to focus on the 'witnesses' to these actions.  If we can get the witnesses to take a stand, some of the bullying may be eliminated.

I also discussed Student Council with fifth grade students.  If they are interested, they need to return their applications to their classroom teachers for approval by September 21, 2012.  Parents must also sign the application.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

Your Friend, 
Mrs. Muller

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