Thursday, September 27, 2012

Books that Teach

I've been working very hard with all of the classes in helping them recognize bullying when they see it. One of the most important things to remember is that kids often bully others in an attempt to 'fit in' or appear 'cool' in front of their peers.  There are two GREAT books that illustrate this.

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon written by Patty Lovell is a wonderful book that teaches children about embracing their unique qualities.  Molly Lou Melon is short, has 'buck teeth,' and a voice that sounds like a bull frog.  She learns, however, that these so-called 'flaws' are actually what makes her special.

Another wonderful book is  A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon.  This book focuses on students' desire to 'fit in' with her classmates.  She denies something that she loves so that she's not teased by her classmates.  This book is very popular with kids!  Rather than reading it aloud, I always access STORY ONLINE to show to the children.  They love the reading and the illustrations.

I highly recommend these books for the rich literature and wonderful message that they provide.

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