Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wanted: A True Friend

While searching the internet for some new goodies to use with first and second grade, I discovered a counseling blog,  Music City School Counselor.  There are many lessons and activities that are very helpful.

Inspired by her idea, I had first and second grade students make "Wanted" signs for their true friends.  They were asked to write the traits that their friend should have.  They also illustrated them.  It was a great lesson and we had a great time!

"I want a friend who does not bully.  And I want a friend that treats me like a good friend.  I want a friend that I can trust."

"I want a friend that is nice, honest, helpful, caring, and loving."

I also shared mine with them as an example.  Too bad that my ideal 'friend' is taller than the tree.  The kids thought it was funny!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

College Bulletin Board

This year our school district is focusing on college and career readiness.  Obviously careers is a large part of what we discuss through our guidance curriculum.  Borrowing the idea from one of my counselor friends, I made bulletin board that displays where Gracemor's faculty and staff attended college.  Both the students and staff members love it.  I think it's very important for students to see the wide variety of experiences that their teachers have.  In fact, last Friday, one of my students told me, "Mrs. Muller, you went to the same college in Memphis that my parents did."  Memphis is an eight hour drive from where we are in Kansas City. 
As you can see, Kansas City is our starting point.  We have staff members who studied on both coasts.

Here is a close up view.  I printed each college/university's mascot on card stock and included the staff members' name on each card. 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Sneetches!

The Sneetches is a simple story that has a very strong message about excluding others.  Breaking away from my usual practice, I am reading this book with all of my classes (even 5th grade) during this month's counselor rotation.  After reading, we discuss how unfair it would be if I only played with kids who look like me or only made friends with people who have the same hair or skin color.  We also discuss how they feel when they're left out of a group because their clothes are different or they wear glasses (Yes...These things unfortunately happen!). I have wonderful discussions with the classes, even the younger kids.   

After reading, I gave each student a large star on construction and asked them to identify ways that each of them is special.  Some of the first graders liked them so much that they've taped them to the backs of their chairs.  See pictures below!

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Books that Teach

I've been working very hard with all of the classes in helping them recognize bullying when they see it. One of the most important things to remember is that kids often bully others in an attempt to 'fit in' or appear 'cool' in front of their peers.  There are two GREAT books that illustrate this.

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon written by Patty Lovell is a wonderful book that teaches children about embracing their unique qualities.  Molly Lou Melon is short, has 'buck teeth,' and a voice that sounds like a bull frog.  She learns, however, that these so-called 'flaws' are actually what makes her special.

Another wonderful book is  A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon.  This book focuses on students' desire to 'fit in' with her classmates.  She denies something that she loves so that she's not teased by her classmates.  This book is very popular with kids!  Rather than reading it aloud, I always access STORY ONLINE to show to the children.  They love the reading and the illustrations.

I highly recommend these books for the rich literature and wonderful message that they provide.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bullying (BOOOO!)

I have been talking to 3rd and 5th grade students about bullying.  I believe that we need to provide a safe way for students to report bullying.  I also think that we need to educate the witnesses about their role in bullying and what they can do to stop it.  I created a BULLY REPORT FORM for students to use when they wish to report bullying-whether they are the victim or a witness.  I have repeatedly told students that their reports will be anonymous.

When students would like to report bullying, they are asked to put it in my 'Bully Bowl' so that it doesn't get lost in paper shuffle that is my desk (sometimes anyway!).

Have a great week!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Another great week!

I have continued meeting with all of the classes.  Remember...we're doing things a bit differently this year.  Instead of holding classes every other week, Ms. Brown and I are meeting with each class for three weeks in a row.  At the end of the three weeks, the students will have their library lessons for three consecutive weeks.

We began discussing bullying and some of the behaviors that students see others exhibit.  I firmly believe that we need to focus on the 'witnesses' to these actions.  If we can get the witnesses to take a stand, some of the bullying may be eliminated.

I also discussed Student Council with fifth grade students.  If they are interested, they need to return their applications to their classroom teachers for approval by September 21, 2012.  Parents must also sign the application.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

Your Friend, 
Mrs. Muller

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

And We're Off!

What a great start to a great school year!  I have had the opportunity to visit almost all of the classrooms during the last two weeks and I have enjoyed getting to know everyone!  I will meet the rest of the classes next week after the Labor Day break.  

During our counselor lesson, I gave each student a self-referral form.  Students are asked to complete these and put them in my bowl when they'd like to visit me.  I always look forward to talking to students.  I've also given each student a folder that they will use to keep track of all of their 'counselor work' during the school year.  I encourage then to share this information with parents.  

Finally, I shared my 'Random Acts of Kindness' jar.  If students are observed being unfriendly to an adult or classmate, I will ask them to randomly select something kind to do.  Students seemed skeptical about this idea, but I assured them that it will help them act more respectfully towards others.  More details to follow.....

I hope everyone has a great end to the first FULL week of school.  Remember...Gracemor Crusaders are RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, AND READY TO LEARN!

Your Friend, 
Mrs. Muller

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year!

Welcome to another fantastic year of learning at Gracemor Elementary School!  We are going to have a great school year!  Tuesday was the first day of school and it was so exciting to see all of my friends from last year.  I was also happy to meet our new Gracemor Crusader friends!  

We have a new counselor to Gracemor.  Ms. Brown will be teaching Kindergarten and 4th grade and I will teach 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grades.  My office is in the same place as last year, A10, right next to Door #2.  Stop by anytime, as long as it's ok with your teacher!  

I'm looking to working together to help all of our friends be the 'best that we can be!'

Your Friend,
Mrs. Muller